foster program
Fostering is a great way to save cat lives and make a huge impact! Complete the application below to join our foster team! Be sure to read all the requirements prior to applying.
To become an approved foster, a volunteer must:
Submit a Felius Rescue foster application and be approved to foster.
Be 19 years of age or older.
Have access to reliable transportation.
Show proper identification.
Be able to provide a safe, loving, and stable environment for the foster animal.
Be willing to nurse an injury and/or illness — with the understanding that some issues may result in the death of an animal.
Complete an interview with a Felius Rescue representative.
Read and sign the Foster Home Policy & Procedures Handbook.
If applicable, provide proof that your landlord allows companion animals.
Felius Rescue can refuse to approve any foster applicant for any lawful reason, especially if we believe the foster arrangement is NOT in the best interest of the animals in our care.
The basics
You must either own your home or have landlord approval to foster.
You must be able to keep the cat(s) indoors at all times - no exceptions.
Very young animals have limited immunity and are more susceptible to possible infections carried by older animals. Keeping your foster animals in a separate room from any resident pets with no carpet is advised.
Keeping animals and their living areas clean will help prevent illness and stress. Remember, young animals are usually doing one of the four things: Eating, sleeping, playing, going potty.
You must be willing and able to transport your foster to and from approved veterinarians and/or the Felius Café during clinic and/or business hours, for any veterinary care needs or for a prospective adoption meet-and-greet.
Additional considerations
Will you have enough time to spend with your foster animal? Most of the animals needing foster care will be in a great need of quality time and TLC. Socializing is very important, especially with young animals. The more time spent with your foster animal, the better the chance for a successful and permanent adoption to a forever home.
Will you be able to keep a close watch on the foster animal’s health? There is a possibility that the animal you are fostering will experience health issues that will need to be promptly addressed. As a foster, it will be your responsibility to monitor and report any concerns or signs of illness to Felius Rescue staff immediately.
Felius Rescue may need you to bring the animal in for an unscheduled examination. If it is deemed that your foster animal needs veterinary attention, Felius Rescue will make the appointment and pay for all veterinary care provided at one of our approved veterinary partners.
Will you be emotionally able to return the animal to Felius Rescue after the foster period is over? This can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. It’s easy to become very attached to your foster animal. Letting go of the foster animal can be emotionally draining at first. Keep in mind, the more you foster, the more animals you save.
Privacy & safety
Any information pertaining to Felius Rescue records and cases which you may become privileged to (including names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) as a result of your affiliation with Felius Rescue is confidential and may not be discussed with others, except as may be required by law.
In some circumstances, Felius Rescue staff may be prohibited from discussing with you certain specific details regarding cases that are under investigation or pending criminal court action.
Your residential address and residential phone number will not be disclosed or provided to anyone unless specifically authorized by you or as may be required by law.
You are required to wash your hands and/or change your gloves before and after each animal encounter, after cleaning animal cages or animal-care areas, and after contact with feces, blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, exudates, or articles contaminated by these substances.
Still have questions?
Submit your question to our rescue team using the form below.