Found a cat? We are here to help! All of our adoptable cats are either found as strays, surrendered by their owners, or born into our care through our off-site Maternity Ward program.
Our intake program is currently paused as we relocate to a new facility. We will reopen our form in the late spring/early summer. Visit felius.org/rescueresouces for other recommended organizations.
Types of cats we can help:
Homeless kittens born/trapped in the wild.
Homeless kittens born as a result of an adult community cat caught through the Felius Rescue TNR program.
Adult cats that are deemed appropriate for the cat café environment (subject to Felius Rescue evaluation). This could be stray cats or community cats that are friendly.
Types of cats that are not a good fit:
Adult cats that are deemed unsuitable for the cat café environment (subject to Felius Rescue evaluation). This generally means the cat does not get along with other pets and/or would be caused undo stress as a result of living in our café environment.
Cats that have a medical condition (like diabetes) that require specialized care and close monitoring. Felius may intake special-needs cats if they are deemed suitable for the café environment and we determine that our shelter would not jeopardize the cat’s safety/well being.
Cats that require a special diet.
Felius Rescue is happy to recommend other shelters that could potentially intake cats that would not thrive in our environment.
Surrender request form
Program rules:
You certify that you are the rightful owner/keeper of the Animal(s) OR you have reason to believe that the Animal(s) do not have a rightful owner/keeper/caretaker/custodian.
You surrender to Felius Rescue any and all property rights to the Animal(s) and certify that no other person has a right of property to the Animal(s).
You certify that the Animal(s) has not bitten or scratched a human or another animal within the past 10 days.
You understand that once you relinquish the Animal(s), the Animal(s) will not be available to be returned to you or anyone else.
You agree to pay a $25 per-cat surrender fee to Felius Rescue.
Still have questions?
Submit your question to our rescue team using the form below.